Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Computer Gal's run with Vista

Hello all,

I have been using Vista for a couple weeks now and so far no problems. I have read horror stories including this one

"Dutch Consumers’ Counsel advises against Vista - After more than 5000 complaints from consumers about Vista in a month of time, the Dutch Consumers’ Counsel decided to talk with Microsoft. MS didn't comply with their requests so they are now advising consumers to choose XP rather than Vista. Read more..."

I personally have had no problems whatsoever. Now granted, I have not installed any software that may be considered not compatible, (which is the reason many have problems with any given operating system upon release other than hardware)so I am pretty much running a clean install with a few other Microsoft Products, but still enough to test some of Vista's features. Vista is different, but in a good way. Explorer in my opinion is easier to navigate for viewing and sorting files and documents. Vista has some noticable differences in control panel and other system utilities that have been written about many times, so won't go over those again, but so far no problems there either. I'm using a Dell Optiplex P4 with 1gb of ram and seems to be sufficient for surfing and daily tasks.

I will continue to load up my old pc and keep you updated as to how Vista handles the stress of a Computer Geek and her library of software.

Computer Gal

Monday, October 1, 2007

Microsoft Financing Now Available!

Hello everyone!

Great News....Computer Gal's is now able to offer our customer financing for their Microsoft purchasing. The transaction must be a total minimum of $3,000.00. Additional purchases may be financed, providing credit approval, but must be a total minimum of $3,000.00. Computer Gal's is planning a rather large mass market business advertisement campaign and the financing program is perfect. Our temp home for our Microsoft specials is, and our normal web site is Take a look and let me know what you think.

Till later....

Computer Gal