Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How to setup your computer for remote connection in XP

Want to be able to connect to your computer while your on the road, or even while your in the other room? XP has a really cool feature called Remote Desktop.

Remote Desktop, included with Windows XP Professional, enables you to connect to your computer across the Internet from virtually any computer, Pocket PC, or Smartphone. Once connected, Remote Desktop gives you mouse and keyboard control over your computer while showing you everything that's happening on the screen. With Remote Desktop, you can leave your computer at the office without losing access to your files, applications, and e-mail.

You need three things to create a remote location:

You need three things to create a remote location:


Microsoft Windows XP Professional must be installed on the computer containing the files and programs that you want to access from a remote computer. The computer must also be part of a corporate network in which Remote Desktop connections are permitted. This computer is known as the host.


The remote computer must be running Windows 95 or later. This computer must also have the Remote Desktop Connection client software installed. The remote computer is known as the client.


Both computers must be connected to the Internet through a VPN connection.

Note: If you're not connecting to the host computer through a VPN, you'll need to use the actual IP address of the host computer instead of the computer name.

To set up the Remote Desktop, start with the host computer, which in this example is your work computer.

Verify that you are signed in as the administrator.

Start Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance

Click System

Click the remote tab, and then allow users to connect remotely to this computer, then Ok

You will then want to make sure you have the firewall setup to allow this exception

So, back to control panel and then security center

Under manage securityl settings, click for firewall

Make sure the Don't allow exceptions box is not checked

Click the exception tab, and verify the remote desktop is checked, click ok and now this computer is ready to act as a host. You only need to write down the computer a name, so the client computer can indicate the computer name it wants to connect to. To do this In Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, click System, and then click the Computer Name tab. Write down the full computer name, and then click OK.

Close the control panel, and leave this computer on.

Connect your remote computer to the host computer

To connect your home computer, which is the client (or remote) computer to your work (or host) computer, follow these steps:


On your home computer, click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to Accessories.


In the Accessories menu, point to Communications, and then click Remote Desktop Connection.


In the Computer box, type the computer name of your host computer, which you wrote down earlier.

4. Click Connect and enter your logon name and password (if required)

The Remote Desktop window opens, and you see the desktop settings, files, and programs that are on your host computer, which in this example is your work computer. Your host computer remains locked, and nobody can access it without a password. In addition, no one will be able to see the work you are doing remotely.

To end your Remote Desktop session:


Click Start, and then click Log Off at the bottom of the Start menu.


When prompted, click Log Off.

There you have it, for more information and images check out Microsoft's help page for the full and complete instructions located here

Good Luck!

Computer Gal

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Paypal and Ebay Hell


The most unbelievable has just happened.

I received an order from a customer on ebay totalling $534.00. The customer paid for her purchase with paypal using HER credit card. I shipped the package and she received and signed for, all is well, right? Wrong. After the customer already received her order, paypal placed a hold on the funds as they say there is a problem. Well, the customer is adamant that she used her credit card to pay for the transaction and she placed an order on ebay express, not paypal, so she is confused as to my requests for her to assist me in clearing this up, by calling paypal. Customer still confused after about 10 days and does not call paypal, but contacts ebay and they tell her, what...... all is well you paid for the order, don't worry. Well, lo and behold this morning paypal released the hold only to refund the buyer the full $534.00, even though she still has the product. So now, I am out $500.00, and she has her money back in full and the product that COST ME over $400.00. I file a complaint with trust and safety about the whole mess and they email me and the customer stating that I requested a feedback withdrawl?!!! I immediately contact them and ask them why must they confuse the customer any more by requesting a feedback withdrawl, when I did not ask for that, nor have we even left feedback for eachother yet. I get a nice little canned email saying that for $29.95 I can speak to a real person that understands english, other wise for free, err this is what you get. If there is anyone out there in cyberspace that may know what I can do about this situation, please email me!

Oh well, until later guys....

Computer Gal

Friday, January 4, 2008

Reminder that Computer Gal's offers Microsoft Financing

Just as reminder that Computer Gal's is a Microsoft Partner which allows us to offer our customers flexible payment options. With Microsoft Financing, Microsoft Partners are able to offer financing for their complete IT solution including Microsoft software, Partner services, third-party software, and hardware. Take advantage of these benefits by allowing Computer Gal's to assist your business in all your technology needs.

Microsoft Financing provides a single financing resource for all of your IT needs. Unlike traditional financing, Microsoft Financing will finance 100 percent of eligible Microsoft, third-party and ISV software; partner services; and hardware…with no hidden costs.

Please contact support at support@computer-gal.com for more information on how we can help you and your business improve your technology needs!