Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ubuntu Live Boot CD

Ubuntu live boot CD is totally cool. All you do to experience this really cool Linux OS is reboot your computer with the cd (bios must be set to read cd first) and you are now surfing the web, creating word processing documents and more, all off the cd. These cd's are great when your computer is having a problem booting to Windows as well. Just insert the cd, reboot, and you are back in business.

Ubuntu offers you a complete Linux-based operating system, including all the major applications you need to play and work. With a strong focus on a desktop that Just Works, Ubuntu is a great choice for home or the office. The base system and all included software is free, and support is available from the community or by professional support providers.

When you start the system for the first time you are greeted by a desktop that is unusually clean and tidy. No desktop icons by default! Even the recycling bin has been moved down to the taskbar. The default theme is designed to be easy on the eye. But Linux is inherently flexible; you can customise the look and behaviour of the desktop in a range of ways, from simply changing the default theme to selecting a different desktop environment altogether.

Want to try it? You have a few choices, you can download it, or purchase it for a small fee.

Where can you download it?

If you don't have broadband, you can purchase it from us or another vendor.

Category- Live Boot CD
Have fun!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Vista Upgrade without XP or 2000 Installed is Possible

Apparently anyone can use Windows Vista upgrade!

Microsoft’s licensing terms and antipiracy measures for Windows started getting more complicated after it launched Windows Genuine Advantage two years ago, much to the chagrin of confused customers. But with Vista, Microsoft seems to have confused itself, creating a loophole for customers with a do-it-yourself outlook to save as much as $100.00 or so.

Microsoft has confirmed reports circulating on the internet that anyone can buy and install an upgrade version of Vista, even on a computer without Windows XP or 2000 already on it.
Here's how the ‘clean install’ trick works:

-Boot with the Windows Vista upgrade DVD and begin the full installation process.-Do not enter the product key when prompted, but continue on.-Choose to do a clean install of Vista, that is, fully wiping your hard drive.-After you're done, boot into the still-unactivated copy of Vista.-Run Windows Vista setup again, from inside Vista.-Select upgrade, and enter your upgrade key.-Install Vista a second time.
Essentially, Vista is fooled into upgrading itself, thus allowing customers to avoid the need to have a prior copy of Windows XP or 2000 installed on that computer. While time-consuming because of the double installation, advocates say this workaround not only allows users to do a fresh install of Vista, which they say will run more reliably, but can save some customers money. The amount depends on which flavour of Vista a customer gets.

A Microsoft spokesperson said the company is "well aware of the workaround”, which they added "violates the terms of use agreed to when they purchased the upgrade version of Windows Vista. As such, we believe only a very small percentage of people will take the time to implement this workaround, and we encourage all customers to follow our official guidelines for upgrading to Windows Vista, which can be found at, instead."
Microsoft is right: for people, the workaround will prove to be irrelevant. Why? Because most larger corporations buy Vista in volume licences, which are usually discounted off the list price. For consumers and small businesses, the vast majority will get Vista pre-installed when they buy a new PC. Buying a new PC without an operating system on it and then installing an upgrade version of Vista might actually cost more than buying a new Vista PC because of the low price Microsoft charges OEMs to pre-install Vista, along with other discounts that it offers.
Indeed, the types of person most likely to benefit from this workaround are power users and hobbyists who own multiple computers running Windows as well as Linux and Mac OS X. Such users may argue that they are such good customers of Microsoft that they should be allowed to save a little bit of money when Microsoft makes a mistake, such as when a retailer is forced to honour an incorrectly price.
But Microsoft remains officially adamant. The spokeswoman noted that customers buying and installing an upgrade version of Vista onto one PC also forfeit the right to use XP on another PC, unless they own more than one full retail copy of XP.
"This is part of the end user license agreement the customer consents to by purchasing a retail upgrade version. We believe it strikes a fair balance for our customers, since upgrade versions allow them to purchase Windows Vista at significantly reduced prices," said the spokesperson. Only customers who pay for full retail versions of Vista "maintain the right to install their previous versions of Windows”

Well there you have it folks........

Sunday, February 18, 2007

OpenSource is the Way to GO!

OpenSource technology is really cool. OpenSource is free via download, and also may be obtained for a small fee for someone to download it for you. Computer Gal's carries a pretty large assortment of opensource software for the people still on dial-up that can't download the large files. For those of you that don't know what opensource is, it is software created by programmers all over the globe to be distributed for free. For example open office is pretty close to Microsoft Office, yet it is free. These programmers all think software prices are just to hefty, so they get together, add code, and ideas to come up with some pretty cool alternatives to the big guys. There is also some pretty neat stuff that the big guys have not even thought of yet that has been released.

Some of my favorites are "Live Boot CD's". These are really cool! You take just about any computer with or without a hard drive and boot to the cd, which has a operating system interface. It appears as though you are working on an installed OS, but you are on the cd. You see a desktop, my programs, and all the other normal stuff, but it is all memory. You can surf the web, save files to another cd, usb, floppy or the hard disk if available. You can even retrieve files on your hard drive, if normally unbootable!

I will be covering several downloads that are available over the next few weeks, so make sure you check back, so you don't miss anything :)

See ya later gator...
Computer Gal

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Friday, February 9, 2007

Web Programming and Design Help

Need help with your web site, well Computer Gal is gonna hook you up. Try the following sites for some really good tips and lots of help. First check out Full Web Building Tutorials - All Free at

Then try

Bravenet has some really cool addon's for your site as well, check them out here

Good luck and have fun!

What Do You Think of American Idol Contestants?

Have you been watching American Idol? You know, it worries me some....Why, well imagine watching the show and thinking all Americans are, well, how do I put this....CRAZY! I mean, come on, some of these people are something else. Some one once told me that we are all just a bunch of muts now. You know how you have your pure breed dogs and when you mix breed them, they get kinda stupid, well, maybe we are a bunch of mix breed muts now...I don't know how that would have been determined, not counting race or religion, but who knows, maybe we should take IQ tests before we mate.......I think I was alot smarter than my ex-husband, that should have been illegal! That would have saved me some grief with him......Thank goodness, my children take after me and they were saved, but according to American Idol, not all have been. LOL.......

Oh well, I couldn't resist..............