Friday, November 6, 2009

A List of Souces for Free ebooks

A List of Souces for
Free E-books
O'Reilly onl
Please note, I have not checked these links as of yet. but plan to in the near future. It appears to be a variety of links of varied interests. It is my hope that you find some interesting links both related and unrelated to computer topics.
If you know of any other listings that you would like to share please email them to me at and I will share them for you, giving credit where credit is due.
Thanks again!
Computer books and manuals
The Network Book
Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc links
Some #bookwarez.efnet.irc fiction
Pimpas online books (Indonesia)
Security, privacy and cryptography
Misc online reading material

Computer books

Linux documentation
FreeBSD documentation
Sun documentation
SGI documentation
IBM Online Redbooks

Digital UNIX documentation

File system Hierarchy Standard
UNIX stuff
Programmers reading
Programming Pearls 2nd edition
C stuff
Perl stuff
Lisp stuff
Ada stuff
Database reading
SQL stuff
Visual Basic stuff

Handbook of Applied Cryptography
X Window System
GTX and Gnome stuff
QT and KDE stuff
TCP/IP info
Misc programmers reading
Some useful tech articles
Considering Hacking Constructive
Eric's Random Writings
IBM's History

Electronic Publishing
The Hardware Book
Network iQ Router Reference Manual
Icons for your desktop
Hackers' Hall of Fame at Discovery Online
Symbols and signs and ideograms and stuff Dictionaries
Misc reading material
Dante’s Inferno
Books and texts
Literature stuff
Octavo books

Project Gutenberg - books and texts

Project Runeberg - Scandinavian in books and texts
The Elements of Style
Bigtext - illustrated books and manuals for DOS
Breeze - a complete text system for Windows
Seven Wonders of the World
Misc history
In Parentheses historical papers
Bulfinchs Mythology
Qumran historical site
The esoteric Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani
Runes and Norse stuff
Extinction level events
Online Books Archive
Internet Public Library
Virtual Free Books

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pc Magazine has listed the best free software for 2009 179 apps

PC Magazine has done it again. They have listed the best free software for 2009, totalling 179 free applications, software, utilities and more for free. This is definitely a url to bookmark when looking for a application to do the job. Computer Gal has found that for every program there is usually twice as many that are free that will accomplish the same task and even more for free. So be sure to check it out and save the link for future references.

Here is the table of contents of what is available

Also if you missed last years list here is the url to that as well,2817,2260070,00.asp

If you know of a good program that is free that is not listed here, let us know and we will list it on our blog, giving you the credit!

Until Later

Computer Gal

Thursday, October 1, 2009

BigCrumbs Signup Reminder

A while back I posted a link to bigcrumbs to introduce you to a really simple way to save and earn money. I have earned almost $1,000 since I started a year back. It is really simple you sign up and have access to savings to many main online stores, such as best buy, ebay and more. Not only do you save, you also earn cash back. I receive a payment every month, even if I have not purchased a single item. I have received checks over $100.00 for simply signing up. I urge you to join, as you have nothing to lose and lots to gain. Here is the link once again, I hope you take advantage of this simple opportunity.

Believe me, you will be happy that you did!

Computer Gal

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

2009 Press Release and Awards Recieved!

I am very proud to have received the following award from Dade City Commerce. I have pasted the press release and award below. Thank you!

Press Release
Computer Gal's Receives 2009 Best of Dade City Award
U.S. Commerce Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement
WASHINGTON D.C., June 8, 2009 -- Computer Gal's has been selected for the 2009 Best of Dade City Award in the Computer Maintenance & Repair category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).
The USCA "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2009 USCA Award Program focused on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.
About U.S. Commerce Association (USCA)
U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) is a Washington D.C. based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USCA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.
The USCA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.
SOURCE: U.S. Commerce AssociationCONTACT:U.S. Commerce AssociationEmail: PublicRelations@us-ca.orgURL:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Directory: 100 technology experts on Twitter & Links to more tips and resources

What’s a tweet?
The word “tweet” is a Twitter term used as both a noun and a verb. As a verb, it used to talk about a user posting something on Twitter. For example, “She tweeted that she was flying to a business meeting in Seattle with Microsoft.” When used as a noun, it refers to an individual Twitter post. For example, “He posted a tweet last week that included a link to screenshots of Mac OS X Snow Leopard

I found a great list on techrepublic of 100 of the best in technology that are on twitter.

Here is the list and the link

So here is the list, which is not ranked 1-100 but simply listed in alphabetical order. If there are others you think should be added to the list, make a note in the comments.
Chris Anderson (@chr1sa) Editor in Chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail
Michael Arrington (@techcrunch) Founder of TechCrunch
John Battelle (@johnbattelle) Author and pundit on Google and Internet search
Veronica Belmont (@veronica) Former CNET TV and Mahalo Daily host
Randall Bennett (@randallb) Founder of TechVi; former CNET TV producer
David Berlind (@dberlind) TechWeb Editor-at-Large
Ryan Block (@ryanblock) Former Engadget editor and co-founder of GDGT
Henry Blodget (@hblodget) Controversial Wall Street journalist who covers tech sector
Danah Boyd (@zephoria) Academic/researcher in new media
Ed Bott (@edbott) Microsoft Windows expert, blogger, book author
Jason Calacanis (@jasoncalacanis) CEO of Mahalo, founder of Weblogs Inc.
Pete Cashmore (@mashable) CEO of Mashable
David Davis (@davidmdavis) Author, blogger, expert on Cisco and virtualization technologies
Chris Dawson (@mrdatahs) ZDNet blogger on technology in education
Natali Del Conte (@natalidelconte) CNET TV host of Loaded and tech correspondent for CBS News
Mrinal Desai (@mrinaldesai) Co-founder of CrossLoop; tech news junkie
Sam Diaz (@sammyd) ZDNet news hound on the Between the Lines blog
Larry Dignan (@ldignan) ZDNet Editor in Chief; prolific tech news blogger
Esther Dyson (@edyson) Veteran technology pundit
Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) Google engineer, blogger
Bill Detwiler (@billdetwiler) TechRepublic’s head technology editor
John C. Dvorak (@therealdvorak) Famously cranky tech pundit
Erik Eckel (@erikeckel) IT consultant and TechRepublic writer
Mike Elgan (@mike_elgan) Widely-published freelance tech writer
Rob Enderle (@enderle) Long-time analyst of the PC industry
Caterina Fake (@caterina) Co-founder of Flickr
Dan Farber (@dbfarber) Editor of; former editor of CNET and ZDNet
Scot Finnie (@sfinnie) Editor in Chief of Computerworld
Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley) One of the world’s top commentators on Microsoft
Ina Fried (@inafried) CNET’s resident Microsoft analyst
John Furrier (@furrier) Silicon Valley entrepreneur; now specializing in mobility
Steve Gillmor (@stevegillmor) Editor of TechCrunch IT, veteran tech journalist
Bob Gourley (@bobgourley) blogger; government IT expert
John Gruber (@gruber) Author of Daring Fireball blog; covers mostly Apple
Dion Hinchcliffe (@dhinchcliffe) Blogger and consultant on Web 2.0 for business
Chuck Hollis (@chuckhollis) EMC CTO and blogger
Andy Ihnatko (@ihnatko) Apple pundit
Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) Professor and author who covers intersection and tech and media
Mitch Kapor (@mkapor) Lotus, Mozilla pioneer; angel investor
Guy Kawasaki (@guykawasaki) Venture capitalist and former Mac columnist
Michael Krigsman (@mkrigsman) Watchdog of IT project failures
Sarah Lacy (@sarahcuda) Freelance author covering Silicon Valley
Leo Laporte (@leolaporte) Host of TWiT network and former TechTV host
Brian Lam (@blam) Editorial Director of Gizmodo
Nicole Lee (@nicole) CNET editor on cellphones and smartphones
Jennifer Leggio (@mediaphyter) ZDNet blogger on social media for business
Cali Lewis (@calilewis) Host of GeekBrief.TV
Charlene Li (@charleneli) Author and social media thought leader
Jim Louderback (@jlouderb) CEO of Revision3; former editor of PC Magazine
Scott Lowe (@scottdlowe) CIO, author, and TechRepublic columnist
Andrew Mager (@mager) Web developer and ZDNet blogger on Web 2.0
Om Malik (@om) Founder of GigaOm
Amber MacArther (@ambermac) Tech journalist and broadcaster
Richard MacManus (@rww) Editor and founder of ReadWriteWeb
Marissa Mayer (@marissamayer) Google product development executive
Caroline McCarthy (@caro) CNET writer covering Web 2.0
Harry McCracken (@harrymccracken) Founder of Technologizer and former editor of PC World
Tom Merritt (@acedtect) Host of Buzz Out Loud and various CNET TV shows
Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) Tech columnist for The Wall Street Journal
Rafe Needleman (@rafe) Editor of CNET’s Webware
Patrick Norton (@patricknorton) Tekzilla host and former TechTV personality
Andrew Nusca (@editorialiste) ZDNet news writer; editor
Tim O’Reilly (@timoreilly) Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media
Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang) Forrester analyst on new media technologies
Jason Perlow (@jperlow) ZDNet blogger and Linux Magazine writer
Chris Pirillo (@chrispirillo) Tech geek turned Internet personality
Jason Pontin (@jason_pontin) Editor in Chief of MIT Technology Review
David Pogue (@pogue) Tech columnist for New York Times and CNBC
JR Rafael (@jr_raphael) Tech news writer for PC World
Maggie Reardon (@maggie_reardon) CNET reporter on mobile and wireless technology
Don Reisinger (@donreisinger) Gadget columnist for CNET
Gabe Rivera (@gaberivera) Founder of Techmeme
Peter Rojas (@peterrojas) Original creator of both Gizmodo and Engadget
Kevin Rose (@kevinrose) Founder of, host of Diggnation
Joshua Schachter (@joshu) Creator of Delicious, a.k.a.
Jack Schofield (@jackschofield) Computer editor at The Guardian
Erick Schonfeld (@erickschonfeld) TechCrunch editor
Robert Scoble (@scobleizer) Tech writer and social media flag-bearer
Sascha Seagan (@saschasegan) Mobile writer for PC Magazine
Doc Searls (@dsearls) Tech journalist, author, open source advocate
Stephen Shankland (@stshank) CNET News reporter, covering Web and search
Deb Shinder (@debshinder) Popular tech tip writer for TechRepublic and other publications
Dwight Silverman (@dsilverman) Technology editor for the Houston Chronicle
Jason Snell (@jsnell) Editorial Director of Macworld
Mark Spoonauer (@mspoonauer) Editor in Chief of LAPTOP
Robert Strohmeyer (@rstrohmeyer) PC World editor and columnist
Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) Silicon Valley blogger for
Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) Microsoft Windows columnist, editor, and podcaster
Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) Editor in Chief of Engadget
Gina Trapani (@ginatrapani) Founding editor of
Lance Ulanoff (@lanceulanoff) Editor in Chief of PC Magazine
Rick Vanover (@rickvanover) Senior IT professional and TechRepublic blogger
Tony Vincent (@tonyvincent) Writer on mobile tech and IT in education
Werner Vogels (@werner) CTO
Jack Wallen (@jlwallen) Linux enthusiast, columnist, and tip writer
Padmasree Warrior (@padmasree) CTO of Cisco Systems
Fred Wilson (@fredwilson) Tech venture capitalist in New York
Alex Wolfe (@awolfe58) Editor in Chief of InformationWeek
Molly Wood (@mollywood) CNET TV host and creator of the famed “Molly rant”
Dave Zatz (@davezatz) Gadget and digital lifestyle blogger

Some other helpful links

I have to admit, I do not use it much yet, but plan to more in the future.
Hope this helps
Computer Gal

Monday, August 17, 2009

Resetting Admin Password In Vista

If you have an account in vista with administrative priviledges you can reset the password

in Vista, just use the Search field), enter control userpasswords2 (don't forget the 2 at the end).

In the dialog that appears is a panel titled Password for Administrator. Click the Reset Password button in this panel and assign a new password that you'll remember but that a malefactor or a virus won't guess.

If that button is disabled, check the box at the top that says, Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. That will enable the button. After changing the Administrator password, close the main User Accounts dialog by clicking Cancel rather than OK. That way, your change to the "Users must enter..." check box won't actually change anything.

A tip from PC Magazine

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Microsoft Security Essentials Beta Free

Microsoft is offering free to the public a free antivirus security essential pack. As usual while in beta format, free offerings don't last long, so get it while you can.

You can find more information and the free download here

Hope this helps

Computer Gal

Monday, August 3, 2009

Did you know Computer Gal is a Page Plus Dealer

I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I am a authorized page plus cellular dealer. I can activate your phones, add minutes, even offer you fantastic dealer pricing on new phones.
Please let me know if I can help you in any way. I will add some of the current sales soon.
Computer Gal

Monday, July 27, 2009

How to extend trial period Windows Server 2008

Here is a neat trick that allows you to extend your 60 day trial period on Server 2008 and probably other Microsoft prodcuts as well. I know it works with Vista too for sure. Anyway all you have to do is open the command prompt and type slmgr.vbs -dli
A windows will pop open giving you the current status of your evaluation period. This is really important because you do not want to run the next script until the end of your 60 day trial period. Now type slmgr.vbs -rearm. Important you can only reset the trial period 3 times, thus allowing you to extend your evaluation period up to 240 days. Hope this helps!

Till later
Computer Gal

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Auctiva no longer free for the most part

Activa due to ebay's affiliate change in policy has been forced to charge for their services.

Apparently after a mass closing of accounts they changed their new fees. From what I gather on the boards, people were going to end up paying them up to $700.00 after paying listing, image hosting and some other charges. Credit to their CEO he paid attention and fast and changed their fees to a monthly fee depending on how many listings you create/relist per month. So if you have auctiva, hurry up and check it out before you end up paying a large bill for not selecting a plan and get stuck with the default pay per listing fee, when ebay's relists your listing automatically every 30 days.

until later

Computer Gal

Monday, July 6, 2009

Recycle your old computer/laptop and help a child


I am the owner of Computer Gal's LLC. I have found a need in the rural areas such as lacoochee and Dade City where Students are without computers and there are not any library s close enough for them to walk (most of their parents have no vechicle) to to complete their assignments. Their are also adults that are in need of access to a computer to sign up for government benefits, and look for jobs.

I am looking for a building in the above area so set up a learning center as well as a computer lab for some of the individuals to use. I will also be giving systems to needy families for a either no cost or minimal to cover parts and fuel. We also will be in need of a van to deliver and pick up students and adults to transport them back and forth from the computer lab if necessary.

If you have a vacant building in the above area that you are not using we are willing to paint and such to work off rent until hopefully a government grant is approved to pay rent.

We are asking that anyone that would like to donate or recycle their old systems to please contact us and we will pick up any items that you have.

Businesses/consumers wishing to donate we are hipaa certified and will conpletely erase all information to secure your privacy.

We are completely 100% women and are approved as a minority owned company and will be applying for non profit license (under another business name), but in the mean time we are asking people to please use our Company Computer Gal's LLC which is on the list as a recycle drop off center so we many use those recycable systems to help the rural low income areas as they are in need.

I have over 15 years technology experience, as well as Healthcare Information Technolgoy, Web Design, computer repair, computer training and much more.

Businesses again please consider Computer gal's when upgrading to new systems, as your old systems could be the difference between someone graduation high school.

thank you again.
If you wish you donate any of the above please contact me.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Moneybookers is the way to go with ebay after paypal 21 day hold announced

  • Want to break up the monopoloy? Moneybookers is now an autorized payment service for ebay buyers and sellers.

    Ebay/Paypal announced that they would be holding the sellers money for 21 days or until the buyer left a positive feedback. WTF, most buyers do not even leave feedback, they just want their product, and are not interested in playing the ebay feedback game. Now sellers will have to get the buyer to please leave them feedback or wait out the 21 days that paypal get to keep your money. Sounds crazy but it is true.

    Want out sign up with moneybookers here or if link does not work here is the url

    More info about moneybookers below

    Moneybookers for Buyers
    You will love the convenience, protection, and rewards from using Moneybookers.
    Pay conveniently via credit card without complicated registration burden
    Moneybookers gives you a complete overview of your online spendings - so you can keep track of your expenses
    Payments are instant - you get your items faster
    You do not reveal any sensitive financial or personal information to the seller

ebay's policy on acceptable payment methods

I read on auctionbytes that after ebay banned money order and checks basically forcing everyone to use their fully owned payment service paypal, that floods of complaints were sent to the attorney generals office.

I guess ebay figured busted, we had better allow some other alternatives, but started with services that were very expensive.

Anywho looks like moneybookers is the way to go for now, but I truly believe ebay is digging it own hole as they are the most untrustworthy company I have seen in a long time with their mandory changes every 30 days or so. Thoughts anyone?

Computer Gal

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ebay nightmare still not over- Paypal wants to hold your money for 21 days.

I don't think you guys will believe this, but hopefully you will.

Remember the nutcase that tried to blackmail me (all over not paying me for napster codes after he got the codes) and threaten my life amoung all kinds of over cray sh!T. Well, since I took a couple months off for summer break and so forth. I get an email from paypal stating that there will be a hold of 21 days on all my payments (since I started adding my inventory back on ebay). I have sold well over 1,000 items on ebay with a pretty clean track record until this guy and his friend decide to neg me.

I have ben on ebay for since the year 2000 and did not get my first negative until this year.

People are saying that since a seller cannot leave a negative, buyers are just leaving them for fun, who knows.

Anyway can you belive that you are supposed to wait 21 days after you sold an item to get your money. I mean no way is paypal keeping my money interest free for that amount of time. I am supposed to pay for everything out of pocket, wait 21 days while they collect the interest. Ebay/Payal wake up. The products are not yours, you cannot keep the money. Monolopy is what I smell. Buyers can't even write checks or money orders anymore so most sells will be forced to go through paypal so they can keep it.

Well I guess someone turned them in for something so they did add a couple more payment methods one is moneybrokers. Please sign up with them. Click here and read below for more info.

From my ebay terms
Accepted forms of Payment:
Currently Computer Gal's LLC only accepts Moneybookers and approved alternative to paypal. Moneybookers offers all the same protections of paypal, but they are seperately owned allowing a fair playground for both buyer and seller.
I have copied information from moneybrookers web site for more information on their buyer services.
Whether you are selling products or buying items, Moneybookers is the easy way to complete an online transaction. With Moneybookers your data is secure and protected against identity theft.
Moneybookers for Buyers
You will love the convenience, protection, and rewards from using Moneybookers.
Pay conveniently via credit card without complicated registration burden
Moneybookers gives you a complete overview of your online spendings - so you can keep track of your expenses
Payments are instant - you get your items faster
You do not reveal any sensitive financial or personal information to the seller

For More information on Moneybookers

For more information on ebay's moneybookers payment policy check here

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Break

Hello All!

I'm still on a little summer break from ebay and my online persona. I received some very threatening emails from some crazy sicko on ebay wishing me and my family death and all kinds of crazy stuff. I reported it to ebay and do you know what they did? Nothing! I mean the guy is completely nuts and the language he used was so foul, I would find it hard to believe he passed the second grade. He filed false claims against me and when I ignored him, he finally left a negative feedback and then got someone else to as well. ebay of course only hires people that may have passed the third grade so they let it all stand because it is becoming the marketplace they are striving for. So today's lesson is, threaten whoever you want to on ebay, call them any name you want, because ebay will not do anything to you. Professionalism is no longer a must to buy or sell on ebay, they have lost everything that made them so unique to begin with, which was a great American trading post where you could find the old and hard to find, chat with like collectors, find others with the same interest. Now it is a alleyway, underground hangout for the criminals and crazies, that has people in customer service that can't even speak english. Not a place for honest people that can trust a hand shake deal. ebay knows it is one sided with their positive only feedback which has opened so many doors for scam artists it is unbelievable, but do they care. NO, and either should we. If the sellers leave ebay so would the buyers. As long as we keep bending over, they will eventually push us down and laugh, because they know the next round of unemployed will open a store the next day and they can start all over. What they don't know is eventually someone else will stand up to bat that has a even playing field and they will go down in history as being the biggest rip off America has ever seen!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Where in the world is Computer Gal?

Hi Folks, sorry it has been awhile since I posted, but a lot has happened over the last month.

My eldest daughter got married which was a huge event as my daughter is a interior designer and well as you can imagine, everything had to be just so. I am so happy for her and her new husband.

I then got the flu which had me down for a good couple weeks, I guess since I was so mentally and physically exhausted.

I then got a ebay stalker who has been threatening my life and just plain making me miserable. Guess what ebay is doing...NOTHING. They would not remove his undeserved negative feedback. Which he left because I would not play his game, meaning I ignored his threats on my life, my families life and suggested that I suffer some pretty "silence of the lamb" type stuff. I am just appalled at the entire thing so I have been making a living the best I can without ebay's help at the moment (care to donate to my cause?)

As soon as this all blows over I have a ton of great tips lined up for everyone, including how to make money on the web via affiliates that seem to work out for a lot of enterprising folks. So stay tuned.

Computer Gal

ps Robin Hood could you please contact me ASAP

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Protect your PC and Save Now with Comodo

Banner_signupforcispro_bttn_green version2

Home Networking Made Easy

Cisco Systems Inc., formerly known as Pure Networks

Check it out today!

Network Magic Graduation 20% off animated banner

Friday, April 24, 2009

Please Visit Our Current Items on Sale at Computer Gal's LLC

Please visit our shop for your current computing and software needs!

Click here to visit our current catalog with convenient check out. Don't forget to visit our home page at and click on online shop to begin shopping. You can also visit our current ebay items at our online store here. We also offer even more convenience by offering top of the line items with Just email us for a quote, most of their items have a lifetime warranty and we are able to offer you below retail pricing!

Until later
Computer Gal

Monday, March 16, 2009

IBM ThinkPad T41 Bargain! $379.00 Hurry ends Soon

IBM ThinkPad T41
- Intel Pentium M 1.6Ghz
- 1GB Ram
- 80GB Hard Drive
- CDRW and DVD
- WiFi 802.11 B/G
- Ethernet 10/100/1000
- BlueTooth
- Windows XP Pro
- 14.1" Display
- ATI Radeon 7500 Video
- 6 cell Li-Ion Battery
- Full-duplex, stereo sound
- 6 Months Warranty

If you have any questions in regards to payment, shipping or anything else,
please contact us by email

More Sales and Discounts for Computer Gal's Customers

Spring Sale Save 20% Banner - Sale Ended 5/3/07 So Updated to NonPromo Ad

__________________________________________________________________________________ (Pearson Education)


Napster, LLC


PeachPit (Pearson Education)



30% Off and Free Shipping on Select InformIT Products

InformIT (Pearson Education)

InformIT (Pearson Education)

Has a pretty good sale going on right now with free shipping and 30% off select merchandise. Check it out!

Computer Gal

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ten million PCs may be infected with sneaky programs

Panda: ID Theft Trojans Are on 1 in 100 PCs We Scan

According to an article I read on PC World web site and I have quoted below for you, we have some major problems going on. The part that worries me, which I have highlighted for you below is that 35% of the infected computers were running up to date protection!

"The company found that just over one percent of the 67 million people who tried out its free ActiveScan test site last year were infected with malicious software designed to help thieves steal sensitive information about victims. If one percent of the world's 1 billion computers are infected, that would mean that this kind of software is on 10 million PCs worldwide, the company reports.

These identity-theft-focused Trojan programs are becoming more sophisticated, and more common. Panda's detection rate jumped 800 percent between the middle of 2008 and the end of the year, according to Carlos Zevallos, a security evangelist with the security company. "The report shows a very sobering number," he said. "We don't want it to seem that it is a hopeless battle [but] all businesses innovate, and crimeware is a business."

Identity theft is a big problem. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission estimates that 9 million U.S. residents have their identities stolen each year through a variety of techniques, including dumpster diving, skimming credit card numbers at legitimate businesses and phishing.

According to Panda, these Trojan programs are a now a serious threat too. Victims of the Trojans are usually tricked into installing the software themselves. They may think they're installing a new plugin in order to view a video. Once the software is installed, it typically sends messages to a central, command and control server

Although banking Web sites have added a lot of features over the years to prevent hackers in another country such as Russia from logging into online accounts, these banking Trojans can be really hard to stop, Zevallos said. "They essentially have complete control of your machine, so they can send a request from your machine and the Web site will not know that it is not being initiated by the user."

Trojans can take screen shots of everything on your screen and search the machine for credit-card numbers, Social Security numbers, resumes -- anything that could be used in identity theft. Today's Trojans can even download software updates from their criminal masters.

Today's most common financial Trojans go by names like Cimuz, Sinowal and Torpig.

Most of these programs come from China or Russia, but Panda says that a growing number are coming from Brazil and Korea too.

In the past few years, hackers have become very good at cranking out new, slightly altered, variants of their malware, designed to evade antivirus detection. So antivirus products will detect identity theft Trojans, but not all of them. Panda said that 35 percent of the infected PCs that it spotted last year were already using up-to-date antivirus programs."

Not good news folks, here is the link for the article

Monday, March 2, 2009

Need some xtra cash!

There are more people than you can imagine that live off of "link referral" commission checks. A lot of people create web sites that really serve no purpose except to offer you links to other web sites.

If you do have a web site or a blog, it might be worth your wild to sign up with a couple of the major players in the industry and add links to some companies that you like or enjoy their products. Link referral is one such company that organizes your accounts and commissions. You can find out more here


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Microsoft Offers $250K Reward to Catch Worm Conficker Author

Do you know the conflicker worm creator? If so, you could earn $250k if you turn them over to Microsoft.

According to an article at Inside tech and I quote

"The Conficker worm multiplied like wildfire, and spreads through a hole found in Microsoft Windows systems, though the vulnerability was patched in October. It also is able to disable anti-malware protection and will block an infected PC from visiting anti-malware vendors Web sites to receive updates.
Security experts are even more worried about the possibility the worm calls home every 24 hours to at least 250 servers each day for instructions or directed actions."

Hosuton's police department apparently was infected and forced to stop arresting people with traffic warrants because the worm spread its way through the police and city court's computer systems.

Now that is bad news folks. Click on the link above for more information on the conflicker worm.

Computer Gal

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Please sign up for our FREE Newsletter

We are currently sending out two newsletters per month. One is with one of our new electronic/computing items at discount pricing. This week for instance we had 4gig flash drives for $4.00. We will aslo send out a one page monthly newsletter with computing tips and tricks, highlighting our blog, our stores and links to technology tips, tricks, freebies and bargains, many that are not published here due to time restrictions. If any any time you would no longer wish to receive the newsletter just send us a email with remove from weekly promotion newsletter in suject line to or and you will be removed. Try it out, as we are partners with so many vendors and we can't keep all the promotions posted, so the newsletter seemed to be the best solution.

If the box does not appear to the right, just email either of the above email address with signup for newsletter in the subject line......

Thanks Again

Computer Gal

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Free Expensive Microsoft Software for Students

If you are a student, you need to take advantage of this!

Free EXPENSIVE software available for download via Microsoft's dreamspark.

"DreamSpark is simple, it's all about giving students Microsoft professional-level developer and design tools at no charge so you can chase your dreams and create the next big breakthrough in technology - or just get a head start on your career. "

No excuses now! Go for it!

Computer Gal

Friday, January 23, 2009

List of week passwords used by hackers the most

If you are using a password listed below, change it immediately, as it is listed on the most commonly used by hacker password list.


Computer Gal

More on the Worm:Win32/Conficker.B

Which is also known as:

TA08-297A (other)
CVE-2008-4250 (other)
VU827267 (other)
Win32/Conficker.A (CA)
Mal/Conficker-A (Sophos)
Trojan.Win32.Agent.bccs (Kaspersky)
W32.Downadup.B (Symantec)
Confickr (other)

Each security service provider seems to have a different code name, which in my opinion is ridiculous. It seems they should all agree on one name, to at least make it easy on the consumer/tech on finding removal tools or overall general information.

The worm exploits a vulnerability in the Windows Server service (SVCHOST.EXE). If the vulnerability is successfully exploited, it could allow remote code execution when file sharing is enabled. It may also spread via removable drives and weak administrator passwords. It disables several important system services and security products. Here is the hints that you may be infected.

The following system changes may indicate the presence of this malware:
  • The following services are disabled or fail to run:
  • Windows Update Service
    Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    Windows Defender
    Windows Error Reporting Services
  • Some accounts may be locked out due to the following registry modification, which may flood the network with connections:
  • HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
    "TcpNumConnections" = "0x00FFFFFE"
  • Users may not be able to connect to websites or online services that contain the following strings:
  • virus

    Up next a list of the most commonly used passwords that hackers look for to break into your network.

    Computer Gal

Confickr/Downadup Worm Spreading Fast & Hard to kill

The Confickr/Downadup Worm is spreading fast and is hard to kill according to Information Week Dark Reading recent articles. The conficker worm, which originated in China, has now extended across 83 countries, and is particularly virulent in the United States, Spain, Taiwan, Brazil and Mexico. In the U.S. alone, PandaLabs has identified at least 18,000 infected computers, although the real figure is probably much much higher. This worm is working like the blaster worm which was devistating to many networks a few years back. A good example of how fast this worm is moving is out of 2 million analyzed, 118,000 were infected. Apparently there was a patch for the worm in October, and any computer that did not download Microsoft's patch is vulnerable. The worm then shuts down the computers ability to download the patch or update their antivirus software. The worm also favors mp3 players and usb drives by running a program that asks the consumer if they want to open the device to view the files, once clicked yes to view the contents it infects the computer. Read more at the Panda blog entry for this worm here

Download's Microsoft patch here

Disinfect affected machines using Malware Radar for corporate networks, or ActiveScan for personal computers. - Disable AutoRun for USB devices - Make sure that all antivirus and security solutions are updated to their latest product version and signature file version.

Double check that your antivirus software is updating, run full scans, visit our web site onine resource page for free online scans, and also add Panda's free scan to the list as well which requires a quick registration found here

As always I will keep you posted on any new news!

Computer Gal

Microsoft Search Server Express is FREE! Download Today

Microsoft is offering their search server express for free!

  • Search file shares, SharePoint sites, Exchange Public Folders, Lotus Notes repositories, and more!

  • Go from downloading to searching in minutes!

  • Easy to configure. Easy to maintain. No time waste

View Demo here

Download here

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How to set up dual booting with Windows 7

Remember to download your free copy of Windows 7, while they last Microsoft is only allowing so many customers (2.5 million) before shutting down the beta try out.

The link for the free download listed in my previous post is

I found another site that explains how to setupa dual boot computer, so you can boot to your current OS and add 7 as a second option.

Covers everything step by step.

In my last post I forgot to add some screenshots of Windows 7, so here they are

Until Later
Computer Gal

Download your free copy of Windows 7 Beta today

Microsoft has been working on a Vista replacement OS and it is now available for download. Microsoft states

"Windows 7
Over the past few years, you've asked us to make some changes to Windows. We listened closely. Now it's time to share an early look at how we've used your feedback. Windows 7 is faster, more reliable, and makes it easier to do what you want. Both the everyday things and the killer "is that really possible?" things. Dig into this site to see what's coming"

"Windows 7 was built around your feedback, so you'll see a lot of things you've asked for. You asked us to make everyday tasks faster and easier, make your PC work the way you want it to, and make new things possible. And that's exactly what we're doing. Click below to see how it's coming to life!
Here's a first look at what's coming in Windows 7. It's early, so be sure to watch for more details as we get closer to launch. Thanks again for taking the time to help make this a great product.

Improved taskbar and full-screen previews
The taskbar at the bottom of your screen is what you use to switch between the applications you've got open. In Windows 7 you can set the order in which the icons appear and they'll stay put. They're easier to see, too. Click once on the new large icons or bigger preview thumbnails and you're ready to go. You can even see a full screen preview before switching to the window."

Minimum recommended specs call for:
1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
1 GB of system memory
16 GB of available disk space
Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (to enable the Aero theme)
DVD-R/W Drive
Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)
And yes, like anything tech-related, these specs could change.
Some product features of Windows 7, such as the ability to watch and record live TV or navigation through the use of "touch," may require advanced or additional hardware.
You'll need a system recovery disk (and know how to use it).
You're [almost] flying solo: you'll need to troubleshoot problems yourself and call on other Beta testers for their know-how.
It's a two-way thing—Beta testing is about feedback so our developers can fix bugs and hear what appeals to the people who use our products daily. Please tell us what you think.
Watch the calendar. The Beta expires on August 1, 2009. To continue using your PC, please be prepared to reinstall a prior version of Windows or a subsequent release of Windows 7 before the expiration date.

Download url

Installation instructions

copied from the following web site

Beta download: Installation instructions
§ Beta download
§ Installation instructions
§ How to backup a PC
Information for
§IT Pros
§Small business
Installing the Windows 7 Beta
What you need to know before installing the Beta
Thank you for participating in the Windows 7 Beta program. To help make sure you have a great experience, please read this section before you install the software—even if you've previously been a beta tester.
§ The Windows 7 Beta is a pre-release version of Windows. While we consider this a stable and high-quality beta, it's not the finished product. It could crash your computer or cause you to lose important files or information.
§ The Beta will stop working on August 1, 2009. To continue using your PC, please be prepared to reinstall a prior version of Windows or a subsequent release of Windows 7 before the expiration date. You won't be able to upgrade from the Beta to the final retail version of Windows 7.
§ Important Note to Internet Explorer 8 Beta testers: If you're already testing Internet Explorer 8, please be aware that the version in the Windows 7 Beta is at a different stage of release. If you're beta-testing Windows 7, you need to use the version of Internet Explorer 8 that comes with it.
To learn more, see Windows 7 Beta: Frequently Asked Questions.
Please do...
§ Do install the Beta only on a dedicated test computer.
§ Do make frequent backups while testing the Beta. You can back up files to an external hard disk, a DVD or CD, or a network folder. (See How to backup a PC.)
§ Do prepare a recovery disc. A recovery disc restores your computer to its out-of-the-box state. Most computers come with one. If yours didn't, contact your PC maker.
§ Do update your antivirus program, run it, and then disable it before installing the Beta. After you install the Beta, remember to re-enable the antivirus program.
§ Do connect to the Internet after you install the Beta. Being connected helps make sure you get useful security and hardware updates. (If you don't have an Internet connection, you can still install the Beta.)
§ Do download the Release Notes. Release Notes provide important information that you should know before installing and using Windows 7. You should familiarize yourself with all of the known issues in this document prior to installing the software. For example, the Release Notes describe a bug in which MP3 files may become corrupted and provide information on mitigating risk.
Please don't...
§ Don't install the Beta if you're uncomfortable troubleshooting your own PC problems. Microsoft does not provide technical support for the Windows 7 Beta.
§ Don't install the Beta on your primary home or work computer. Microsoft is not responsible for downtime stemming from the Windows 7 Beta.
Getting ready to install the Beta
What you'll need
§ A blank DVD
§ A PC with a DVD burner
§ A test PC for the Windows 7 Beta that meets these minimum hardware recommendations (specific to the Beta and subject to change in the final version of Windows 7). Please do not use a PC you rely on for your work or daily use:
o 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
o 1 GB of system memory
o 16 GB of available disk space
o Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (in order to enable Aero theme)
o DVD-R/W Drive
o Internet access (to download the Beta and get updates)
Please note: Some product features of Windows 7, such as the ability to watch and record live TV or navigate through the use of "touch," might require advanced or additional hardware.
Important recommendation
As you know, the point of beta testing is to find things we need to fix. As you help us uncover issues, we'll post fixes on Windows Update. So we recommend you keep your PC set to automatically check for updates through Windows Update. Please also stay current with the Release Notes, which are regularly updated with new notices and information.
To kick-off this process, before installing the Beta, please read the Release Notes. In particular, review the MP3 files and Windows Media Center notes and install the related updates before using the Beta.
So, to keep your PC running the Windows 7 Beta up-to-date, please:
§ Make sure you are connected to the Internet and select the option to "Go online to get the latest updates for installation" when you install the Windows 7 Beta.
§ Set Windows Update to install updates automatically.
§ Check the Release Notes before you install the Beta, and regularly from then on. In particular, please review the MP3 files and Media Center notes and install the related updates before using the Beta.
How to install the Windows 7 Beta
Step 1: Download the Windows 7 Beta
Expand all
How to download the Windows 7 Beta
1. Visit the Windows 7 Beta download page.
2. Choose your language.
3. Choose a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the Beta. To see if your computer can run a 64-bit version of Windows, in Performance Information and Tools (Start>Control Panel>Performance Information and Tools) click View and print details and then look under 64-bit capable. For more information that might help with your decision, see 32-bit and 64-bit Windows: Frequently Asked Questions.
4. Get a Windows 7 Beta product key. (You'll need it later for installation.)
5. Download the Windows 7 Beta.
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Step 2: Create an installation DVD
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How to create an installation DVD
The Windows 7 Beta download is an ISO file, which you'll need to burn onto a blank disc before you can install it. To do that, you'll need to use software designed for burning ISO files.
In addition to commercial ISO burning software, there are free programs such as ISOBuster and Active ISO Burner. To find one, go to a site such as or Tucows and search for "ISO," "DVD," and "burn".
Follow the instructions that came with your program to create a Windows 7 Beta installation disc.
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Step 3: Install the Windows 7 Beta
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Determine whether to do a custom (clean) installation or an upgrade installation
Now you must make an important decision: whether to perform a custom (clean) installation or an upgrade installation.
Custom (clean) installation:
§ Your computer has no operating system installed, or it's running a version of Windows prior to Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (including Windows XP).
§ You do NOT want to preserve your data, programs, or system drivers.
§ You want to delete your current operating system and replace it with Windows 7.
§ You want to create a multiboot system by installing the Windows 7 Beta on a separate hard disk partition. (For more on multiboot, see Install more than one operating system).
Once you've installed Windows 7, you can use Windows Easy Transfer to move data and settings from your other Windows computer to your new system.
Upgrade installation:
§ Your computer is running Windows Vista with Service Pack 1. (Not sure? Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties. Under Windows edition, look for "Service Pack 1" next to your Windows Vista edition name. If you don't have Service Pack 1 installed, or your computer is running an earlier version of Windows, you can't perform an upgrade installation. )
§ You DO want to preserve your data, programs, or system drivers.
§ You're upgrading from either a 32-bit version of Windows Vista to a 32-bit version of Windows 7, or a 64-bit version of Windows Vista to a 64-bit version of Windows 7.
§ You're upgrading to the same Windows language. For example, from English to English.
Again, an upgrade installation allows you to keep intact the files, settings, and programs from your current version of Windows. But you can only perform an upgrade under these certain conditions, described above.
How to do a custom (clean) installation
1. Turn on your computer, insert the Windows 7 Beta installation disc you created in step 2 into the computer's DVD or CD drive, and then do one of the following:
§ If you want to replace your computer's existing operating system with the Windows 7 Beta, and you don't need to adjust your disk partitions, go to step 2.
§ If your computer doesn't have an operating system installed, or you want to install the Beta on another disk partition, restart your computer with the installation disc inserted in your CD or DVD drive. If you're asked to press a key to boot from DVD or CD, press any key. If the Install Windows page appears, go to step 2.

If the Install Windows page doesn't appear and you're not asked to press a key to start from DVD or CD, you might have to specify that your computer uses its DVD or CD drive as the startup device. See Start Windows from a CD or DVD. After you select your DVD or CD drive as the startup device, restart your computer, and then start Windows from the installation DVD or CD as previously described.
2. On the Install Windows page, follow the instructions, and then click Install now.
3. On the Get important updates for installation page, we recommend getting the latest updates to help ensure a successful installation and protect your computer against security threats. You need an Internet connection to get updates.
4. On the Please read the license terms page, if you accept the license terms, click I accept the license terms. (You must accept to continue the installation.)
5. On the Which type of installation do you want? page, click Custom.
6. On the Where do you want to install Windows? page, do one of the following:
§ If you don't want to specify a specific partition to install Windows on, or create partitions on your hard disk, click Next to begin the installation.
§ If you already have another existing partition with enough free space and want to install the Windows 7 Beta on that partition to create a multiboot configuration, select the partition you want to use, and then click Next to begin the installation. (Be sure to install the Beta on a different partition from where your current version of Windows is installed.)
§ If you want to create, extend, delete, or format a partition, click Drive options (advanced), click the option you want, and then follow the instructions. Click Next to begin the installation. (If the Drive options (advanced) option is disabled, you need to start your computer using the installation disc.)
7. Follow the instructions.
How to do an upgrade installation
1. Insert the Windows 7 Beta installation disc you created in step 2 into your computer's DVD or CD drive. Important: Make sure to insert your installation disc with your current version of Windows running.
2. On the Install Windows page, click Install now.
3. On the Get important updates for installation page, we recommend getting the latest updates to help ensure a successful installation and protect your computer against security threats. You need an Internet connection to get installation updates.
4. On the Please read the license terms page, if you accept the license terms, click I accept the license terms. (You must accept to continue the installation.)
5. On the Which type of installation do you want? page, click Upgrade to begin the upgrade. You might see a compatibility report.
6. Follow the instructions.
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Testing the Beta
The Windows 7 Beta has lots of features to check out. For some ideas, see What's New in Windows 7.
As you work with the Beta, your system will automatically send information about errors so we can analyze issues and file bug reports where appropriate. In addition, we'd like to know what you think. Your feedback plays a critical role in the Windows development process. If there's something you find confusing or annoying—or a feature you absolutely love—please tell us!
To share your thoughts, click the "Send Feedback" link at the top of any window.
The link opens a Send feedback report. Please select a feature category for your feedback, rate your experience, and tell us what you think.
Removing the Beta
The Windows 7 Beta will stop working on August 1, 2009. To continue using your PC, please be prepared to reinstall a prior version of Windows or a subsequent release of Windows 7 before the expiration date. We recommend doing a custom (clean) installation.

Coming up next is setting up dual boot with Windows 7

Computer Gal